Young Indian devotees dressed as Gods at the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad The Kumbh Mela in Allahabad.
Author: Alfred Yaghobzadeh
Alfred Yaghobzadeh
Photo keywords: adorateurs, alfred, allahabad, bain, bain sacré, bain saint, bathing, ceremony, cleanses, culte, devotee, devotees, dévot, dévots, eau, eaux, every 12 years, face painted, faith, festival, fille, fleuve, foi, gange, ganges, gathering, girl, grand, hindou, hindouisme, hindous, Hindu, Hinduism, holy, holy bath, holy dip, Inde, India, jeune, Kumbh, Kumbh Mela, Mela, mythical, mythique, nettoie, pilgrims, ponton, portrait, pèlerinage, pèlerins, rassemblement, religieux, religion, religious, river, sacred, saint, Sangam, Saraswati, shiva, tous les 12 ans, visage peint, water, worship, worshipers, yaghobzadeh, Yamuna, young