Newly initiated Naga Sadhus perform rituals on the bank of the Ganga River during the Maha Kumbh.
Author: Alfred Yaghobzadeh
Alfred Yaghobzadeh
Photo keywords: alfred, allahabad, ascetics, ascètes, ash, bain, bain saint, bathing, body, cendres, ceremony, cleanses, corps, culte, devotee, devotees, dévot, dévots, eau, eaux, enduit, every 12 years, faith, festival, fleuve, foi, gange, ganges, gathering, grand, hindou, hindouisme, hindous, Hindu, Hinduism, holy, holy bath, homme, Inde, India, Kumbh, Kumbh Mela, largest, man, Mela, mythical, mythique, naga sadhu, naked, nettoie, nu, pilgrims, pont, ponton, ponts, pèlerinage, pèlerins, rassemblement, religieux, religion, religious, river, sacred, sadhu, saint, Sangam, Saraswati, smeared, tous les 12 ans, water, worship, yaghobzadeh, Yamuna